We've had five or so amazing tracks Jeff recorded for Hans Zimmer's score for the 'Days Of Thunder' movie (starring Tom Cruise) for years. Recorded in 1991, Jeff flew a private plane through a tumultuous South Florida thunderstorm to Ft. Lauderdale where at the then vibrant New River Studios set out to work on the storyboard title theme and some support tunes. One of those tunes, a schmaltzy tear jerking ballad named 'Car Love', made it to YouTube somehow and can be found under 'Days of Thunder OUTS Other Endings' which oddly enough became Claire's (Nicole Kidman's)theme sans guitar!
Here we present 'Car Groove' an alternate combo heavy riff chord/Benny Goodman nightclub beat swing number that sees Jeff go absolutely ballistic on the whammy bar during the solo before winding up going into the recurring main 'Days Of Thunder' theme.....Enjoy!!!!!